All RLCraft Weapon Enchantments, Best Enchants, & More! | Enchanting Encyclopedia
This is number 2 of the detailed guides to enchanting in RLCraft! This series is meant to serve as a quick and easy source of factual information for anyone who wants to get into enchanting. Special thanks to Nischhelm for his help and support on these vids! RESOURCES: All Descriptions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q... Incompatibility List 1: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/... Incompatibility List 2: https://imgur.com/a/7Svm4le Modpack used: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/... Chapters: 0:00 Intro Enchantments - ~Vanilla and Varients~ 0:50 Sharpness 1:43 Smite 2:23 Bane of Arthropods 3:15 Knockback 3:37 Fire Aspects 4:07 Sweeping Edge 4:46 Looting ~Modded~ 6:54 Vampirism 7:11 Lifesteal 7:38 Spell Breaker 7:59 Blessed Edge 8:18 Water Aspect 8:50 Defusing Edge 9:23 Inhumane 9:44 Butchering 9:54 Flinging 10:08 Fling 10:24 Fiery Edge 10:46 Education 10:59 Adept 11:18 Arc Slash 11:39 Reviled Blade 12:01 Critical Strike 13:06 Mortalitas 13:37 Ash Destroyer 14:18 Luck Magnification 15:08 Swifter Slashes 15:26 Envenomed 15:49 Viper 16:16 Dark Shadows 16:45 Hors De Combat 17:05 Freezing 17:43 Levitator 17:56 Disorientating Blade 18:27 Subject Science 18:59 Subject English 19:37 Subject P.E. 20:36 Clearskies' Favor 21:00 Rain's Bestowment 21:16 Thunderstorm's Bestowment 21:40 Winter's Grace 22:19 Lunar's Blessing & Sol's Blessing 22:49 Penetration 23:14 Rune: Piercing Capabilities 23:29 Parry 23:58 Purging Blade 24:33 Atomic Deconstructor 24:54 True Strike 25:14 Unreasonable 25:49 Unsheathing 26:07 Penetrating Edge 26:35 Purification 26:51 Desolator 27:10 Disarmament 27:37 Brutality 28:12 Culling 28:22 Assassinate, Bash, Disarm 28:43 Combo Extra Info - 29:14 Incompatibilities 31:04 Outro Subscribe for more guides and videos! Like to maek me vry hapy 🐖🐖🐖 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Minecraft #minecraftguide #rlcraft #moddedminecraft More info on the Modpack: Guides: • How to NOT Die in RLCraft 2.9.3 | A D... • How to NOT Die in RLCRAFT 2.9.3 | A M... Enchanting Encyclopedia: Volume 1: • All RLCraft Armor Enchantments | Ench... This Video Includes - Minecraft Enchanting Minecraft Enchantments RLCraft Enchanting RLCraft Enchantments Enchantment Guide Modded Minecraft Enchantments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Credits ~ Music provided by GameChops ► Check out Zelda & Chill 3 by Mikel ► https://vgm.fm/zeldachill3 ▾ FOLLOW GAMECHOPS ▾ ► http://vgm.fm/gamechops