The Story of the Birth of Jesus 예수님의 탄생 이야기 (Luke 2:1-20) - Dr. Hann Tchah_2022/12/25

The Story of the Birth of Jesus 예수님의 탄생 이야기 (Luke 2:1-20) - Dr. Hann Tchah_2022/12/25

###인천 연수구 송도동에 위치한 인천국제침례교회입니다 Incheon International Baptist Church located in Songdo-dong, Incheon At IIBC, we do not want anyone to go to hell Are you 100% sure that you are saved? Read : Romans 3:10, 3:23, 5:12, 6:23 ,5:8, 10:9-10, 13 Pray the Sinners Prayer Read Romans 10:13 Are You Saved? -Reference- #Christmas #Birth_of_Jesus #Messiah's_birth #Bethlehem #Appointed_time #Virgin_birth #Manger #Death_of_Christ #No_cross_no_crown #Shepherds #Second_coming_of_Jesus #Rapture #New_world_order #Great_commission #Evangelism #Crown_of_joy #5w1h #Joshua #Immaculate_conception #Grace #Gospel #크리스마스 #예수탄생 #메시아_탄생 #베들레헴 #정해진_때 #처녀_탄생 #구유 #그리스도의_죽음 #십자가_없이_영광도_없다 #목자들 #예수_재림 #휴거 #신세계질서 #지상명령 #전도 #기쁨의_면류관 #환희의_왕관 #육하원칙 #여호수아 #무염시태 #은혜 #복음