3 Disturbing Minecraft Mysteries You've Never Seen

3 Disturbing Minecraft Mysteries You've Never Seen

If you know where to look in the darkest corners of YouTube you can find some truly disturbing Minecraft channels. These are three of the creepiest minecraft mysteries I have ever seen, none of which I have featured on my channel before. Enjoy this Halloween special... Inspired by RetroGamingNow and LEMMiNO - check them out! Retro:    / @retrogamingnow   LEMMiNO:    / @lemmino   Chapters: 00:00 Old Minecraft Videos Reuploads 14:58 Am I Alone 22:05 TW ➤➤ Twitter:   / wifieswastaken   ➤➤ Discord:   / discord   ➤➤Links: Channel 1:    / @oldminecraft294   Channel 2:    / @amialone5614   Channel 3:    / @tw-jr8lu   LEMMiNO music used: LEMMiNO - Encounters    • LEMMiNO - Encounters (BGM)   CC BY-SA 4.0 LEMMiNO - Blackout    • LEMMiNO - Blackout (BGM)   CC BY-SA 4.0 LEMMiNO - Aloft    • LEMMiNO - Aloft (BGM)   CC BY-SA 4.0 This is NOT a series called Minecraft VVSauce where I explore random features of Minecraft. Not Secret Minecraft things or Minecraft lore (like Game Theory) or Escape Rooms, but a horror based series dedicated to over-answering questions you never asked about MINECRAFT ARGS YESSIR these are super scary - BOO