August 21, 2022 The Prophet with a Profit

August 21, 2022 The Prophet with a Profit

Our Church is located at 310 New Murraytown Road in Cleveland Tn. 37312. Prospect Church was organized and presented to the Chattanooga Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in October of 1849. We have gone through several transformations. The first church house was constructed in 1855 and was called by the clerk of session "an old shed type building." This served the congregation until a new building was built in 1890. This served until the current property was purchased and the current brick building was erected in 1959. Our current pastor is Dr. Phil Sumrall. We began videoing our services early in 2017. We have been distributing DVDs of the services. It is now time to move into the next phase.You Tube. We hope you enjoy these Sunday Services and get a blessing from them. For those that might be looking for a church home, you are welcome here. We would love to have you join us. Sunday services are 9:30 AM for Sunday School and 10:45 AM for Morning Worship. Wednesday Bible Study is currently 12:00 Noon. During the Winter months we meet at noon and Spring/Summer months at 5:30 PM.We are also home for Cub Scout Pack 3217. They meet every Tuesday at 6:30 PM.