RE2(Remake)Lets Play Leon(A)E26 - Drug Test Lab Liquid puzzle & Plant 42

RE2(Remake)Lets Play Leon(A)E26 - Drug Test Lab Liquid puzzle & Plant 42

Good Evening,my fellow zombie killaz,your watching the RathCo Gaming Channel,im your host,Rob "Robbie" Rath,& I am happy to bring you this 26th episode of RathCo's "RE2(Remake)Lets Play" fur leon's 1st run! This time,we will be tackling a rather tricky liquid puzzle,this one really aggravated me,lol,THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FUR ALL OF YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT,plz be sure to like & subscribe,turning on all notifications fur RathCo Gaming as well as our other youtube channel called RathCo OutDoors",so until next time,thanks again & cya on the flip side,im out!! RathCo Personal email for any questions,comments,donation inquiries,etc =