Recurrent Boils Case Presentation & Homoeopathic Management by Dr Saptarshi Banerjea
Recurrent Boils Case Presentation & Homoeopathic Management by Dr Saptarshi Banerjea Boils form from infected hair follicles. They can start as small, red bumps and turn into hard lumps under your skin that secrete pus. A boil is a pus-filled skin infection that occurs around a hair follicle or oil gland. It’s also called a furuncle.Boils are common. They may occur in hair follicles anywhere on the body but typically occur in areas where hair and sweat coexist, like the: Armpit Thighs Facial area Neck Under the breasts Buttocks About the Speaker Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea, the fifth generation of perhaps the longest-serving Homoeopathic family in the world, gives insights on the significance of the inclusion of miasm in a homeopathic prescription, especially in today's era of suppression of diseases. Dr. Saptarshi mentions that having grown up with homeopathy since he was born, learning the letters of the alphabet was for him more like A as in Argonite, or B as in Belladonna. As always, Homeopathy 360 has tried Connect Homoeopaths worldwide and Broadcast their Talent, aiming advancement of Homoeopathy as an evidence based science. Homeopathy 360 has been an Exceptional Education Hub for each generation of Homeopaths, whether an Academician, a Clinician or a Researcher. We organize every single information related to Homeopathy and make it universally accessible, making sure that we are the best at what we do! Homeopathy 360 also invites all the esteemed Homoeopaths to contribute your knowledge and experiences in the core area of your expertise. For more information, visit our website https://www.homeopathy360.com/ Social Media / homeopathy360forall / homeopathy360 / homeopathy360 https://www.linkedin.com/company/bjai... Contact us D - 157, Sector 63, Noida Uttar Pradesh, India