Transport Algorithm | Northwest Corner, Least-Cost, Vogel Approximation Methods | Basic Solution
Master the Transport Algorithm and learn how to find the Basic Feasible Solution using techniques like the Northwest Corner Method, Least-Cost Method, and Vogel Approximation Method. In this comprehensive video from Engineering Essentials, part of the 'Optimization Method | Linear Programming' playlist, you'll explore step-by-step how these methods are applied to solve the Transportation Model, a critical concept in Operations Research and Supply Chain Optimization. Ideal for Master's and Bachelor's degree students in Engineering, Management, Mathematics, and Statistics, this tutorial provides a deep dive into these key algorithms used to minimize costs or optimize routes in logistics. Students from leading universities like MIT, Harvard, Stanford, IITs, and more will benefit from this clear and practical guide. #TransportAlgorithm #NorthwestCornerMethod #LeastCostMethod #VogelApproximationMethod #BasicFeasibleSolution #TransportationModel #LinearProgramming #OptimizationMethod #OperationsResearch #SupplyChainOptimization #EngineeringEssentials #IIT #Harvard #Stanford #MIT #BachelorsDegree #MastersDegree #LogisticsOptimization #OperationsManagement Transport Algorithm | Northwest Corner Method | Least-Cost Method | Vogel Approximation Method | Finding the Basic Feasible Solution #iim #mba #engineering #maths #eranand Transportation algorithms are mathematical models that represent linear relationships, such as transportation between a supplier and a destination. Linear programming (LP) is a mathematical method that can be used to model and solve many transportation optimization problems. LP allows the user to find the optimal or best outcome. The transportation algorithm follows the exact steps of the simplex method , However, instead of using the regular simplex tableau, we take advantage of the special structure of the transportation model to organize the computations in a more convenient form. Summary of the Transportation Algorithm. The North-West Corner Method (NWCM) is a technique for finding a feasible solution to a transportation problem in decision mathematics. The goal of a transportation problem is to minimize the total cost of transporting goods from sources to destinations based on supply and demand. The NWCM is a simple and efficient technique that can be used to solve a wide range of real-world resource allocation problems, including: Transportation and logistics, Supply chain management, Economics, and Network routing. This Channel is dedicated to the cause of making Advanced Mathematics easy for students. The videos are useful for students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree course in Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, Statistics, Computer Application and Business Administration. The broad topics are assorted a s playlists. The channel will be useful for the students of Physics, Mathematics & Engineering.