Atlantis: Milo's Return 2003 (2013 Reprint) DVD Overview
DVD Release Date: Jun 11, 2013 (In the Atlantis: 2-Movie Collection Blu-ray. Same day as The Emperor's New Groove & Kronk's New Groove: 2-Movie Collection, Lilo & Stitch: 2-Movie Collection, and Oz The Great And Powerful Blu-rays and DVDs and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Minnie's Wizard of Dizz DVD. Includes a Search For The Spear Of Destiny game and a "Kraken Baby Sequence" Deleted Scene. The 2003 supplements are the same.) VIDEO_TS Files Print Date: Apr 15, 2003 Opening: 1. Navy Blue FBI Warning Screen (May 30, 2000-Mar 21, 2005)/Blue DVD Duplication Warning Screen (May 30, 2000-Oct 7, 2003) 2. Walt Disney Home Entertainment Logo (Oct 9, 2001-Feb 5, 2008) (Blue) (2001 Fanfare) 3. The Lion King: Special Edition DVD Promo 4. Coming Soon To Theaters Bumper (May 30, 2000-Nov 7, 2006) 5. The Haunted Mansion (2003) Teaser Trailer 6. Coming Soon To Own On Video & DVD Bumper (May 30, 2000-Nov 7, 2006) 7. The Jungle Book 2 DVD and Video Promo 8. Stitch! The Movie DVD and Video Commercial 9. Bionicle The Movie: Mask of Light DVD and Video Promo 10. "Kim Possible" on Disney Channel Promo 11. DVD Menu 12. Disney DVD Logo (Oct 9, 2001-Aug 28, 2007) Closing: 1. "Produced By Walt Disney Television Animation" Message 2. DVD Menus Bonus Material: 1. Search For The Spear Of Destiny Game (I kind of had a hard time figuring our where the arrows were no matter where I move my mouse) 2. Deleted Scene: "Kraken's Baby Sequence" Extra Sneak Peek (Through the Sneak Peeks menu): 1. 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea DVD Promo Next overview is the eleventh video in the Baby Einstein series: We're gonna meet Baby Neptune the Sea Turtle and his ocean friends and go on a water discovering adventure! All rights belong to Disney Enterprises, Inc.