Happy 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time—and Happy Father’s Day!
Today’s Announcements: 1. Thank you for your generous sharing of self! dwy.io/HolyFamily 2. Want to receive Holy Family news? Text JOIN to (888) 313-1532 3. Happy Pride Month: Thank you for supporting Holy Family’s presence in the annual Pride parade on 8/10! bit.ly/hfpride 4. Our Parish Calendar Monday, June 17, 6:30 PM – Spiritual Brew for young adults, with Fr. Brett on Google Meet (wkfhtupcdg) Wednesday, 6-9 PM – Bible study, rosary & theological institute! June 23 – We celebrate Baptisms & First Communions, & we bless Proclaimers of the Word! We pray for public servants on Public Servants Day & all who suffer from additions on World Day against Drug Abuse. After Mass: Taco time! 5. We bless our altar servers & sacristans! 6. Happy Father’s Day: We pray for all fathers & father figures, living & deceased—and we share a blessing & gift with all who are present!