3 Beautiful & Unique DIY Flower vases from waste glass bottles | Peacock Ganesha Floral Flower Vase
Flower Vase Making Ideas using glass bottles | Flower Vase Decoration ideas | Flower Pot Decoration ideas | Plastic bottle flower vase making - Look like ceramic vase | बोतल की फूलदान बना रही है | Peacock Flower Vase | Ganesha Flower Vase | Floral Flower Vase easy DIY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello guys, I hope you all are doing well. Today I am sharing the process of my flower vase making using waste cardboard box step by step for beginners. Anybody can recreate it without having special skills. I hope you will enjoy watching this and will try this artwork. Wishing you the best! Thank you so much!❤️ ❤️ ❤️ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 Introduction 00:07 How to Cut Glass Bottles | Glass bottle cutting with fire | Glass cutting at home 04: 37 How to Make Peacock Flower Vase using waste bottles | Peacock Vase Making from Glass Bottle | Clay Peacock Flower Vase | Easy 08:20 How to make Ganesha Flower Vase | Ganesha Flower Vase from glass Bottle | Easy pot making using clay 10:28 How to Make floral Flower Vase using waste bottles | Floral flower vase from glass bottle easy Diy 12:27 All three flower Vases Comparison ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ✏️❤️ TOOLS I USED In this video, I'm showing the process of flower vase making The materials I am using are : ❤️ Three Waste Glass Bottles ❤️ Fevicol ❤️acrylic paints ❤️ Mouldit clay ❤️ A4 papers ❤️ Square glass palette ❤️brushes ❤️ turpentine Oil, Thread, and Matchbox I hope you will like this video. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WATCHING! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #RoomDecor #Flowervase #Pottery #handcraft #flowerpot #pottery #flowervase #flowerpotsideas #diy #flowerpotmaking #flowerpotdesign #uniqueflowervase #flowervasemaking #modernflowerpot #acrylicpainting #homedecor #bestoutofwaste #RoomDecor #HandCraft