오르간 새찬송가 반주- 122장. 참 반가운 성도여 (통122)

오르간 새찬송가 반주- 122장. 참 반가운 성도여 (통122)

찬송곡은 채널 플레이리스트에 차례대로 나열되어있습니다. O Come, all ye Faithful. 1.O come, all ye faith-ful, joy-ful and tri-um-phant, O come ye, O come ye to Beth - le-hem! Come and be-hold Him, born the King of an-gels! O come, let us a-dore Him, O come, let us a-dore Him, O come, let us a-dore Him, Christ the Lord! 2.O Sing, choirs of an-gels, sing in ex-ul-ta-tion, O sing, all ye cit-i-zens of heav-en a-bove! Glo-ry to God, all glo-ry in the high-est! O come, let us a-dore Him, O come, let us a-dore Him, O come, let us a-dore Him, Christ the Lord! 3.For God of true God, this world's di-vine Re-deem-er, In grace con-de-scend - ing to be tru-ly man, De-spis'd not the womb of vir-gin, sweet and low-ly O come, let us a-dore Him, O come, let us a-dore Him, O come, let us a-dore Him, Christ the Lord! 4.O Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, born this hap-py morn-ing, O Je-sus, to Thee be all glo - ry given; Word of the Fa-ther, now in flesh ap-pear-ing! O come, let us a-dore Him, O come, let us a-dore Him, O come, let us a-dore Him, Christ the Lord! A-men. This Hymn is Performed by YooniqueMusic. #immanuelpiano #임마누엘피아노 #찬송가반주 #오르간찬송가반주 #찬송122장 #예배반주 #가정예배 #ocomeallyefaithful #참반가운성도여