Dr. Faisal | What are the reasons and treatment of neck and shoulder muscles pain? | डॉ फैसल
Dr. Faisal | What are the reasons and treatment of neck and shoulder muscles pain? | डॉ फैसल Dr. Muhammad Faisal Mehboob is a certified and registered rehabilitation expert. He simplifies common health issues in layman’s terms and specializes in sports medicine, physical health, and neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation. For Paid Video Consultations: Book your appointment on WhatsApp 03052258725 Keywords: What causes neck and shoulder muscle pain, why do my neck and shoulder muscles hurt, how to relieve neck and shoulder pain fast, what is the best treatment for neck and shoulder pain, how to reduce muscle tension in neck and shoulders, can stress cause neck and shoulder pain, what are the home remedies for neck and shoulder muscle pain, how to fix tight neck and shoulder muscles, what are the exercises for neck and shoulder pain relief, can poor posture cause neck and shoulder pain, how to sleep properly to avoid neck and shoulder pain, which pillow is best for neck and shoulder pain, can dehydration cause neck and shoulder muscle pain, does heat or ice work better for neck and shoulder pain, what are the best stretches for neck and shoulder pain, when to see a doctor for neck and shoulder muscle pain, can neck and shoulder pain be a sign of something serious, how to massage neck and shoulder muscles for pain relief, what foods help reduce muscle pain in neck and shoulders, does chiropractic care help with neck and shoulder pain, can physical therapy cure chronic neck and shoulder pain Hashtags: #NeckAndShoulderPain #WhatCausesNeckAndShoulderPain #HowToRelieveNeckAndShoulderPain #NeckPainTreatment #ShoulderPainRelief #NeckAndShoulderMusclePain #BestExercisesForNeckAndShoulderPain #NeckPainCausesAndTreatment #HowToFixTightNeckMuscles #PostureCorrectionForNeckPain #NeckPainHomeRemedies #BestPillowForNeckPain #HowToMassageNeckAndShoulders #PhysicalTherapyForNeckPain #NeckAndShoulderStretching #ChiropracticCareForNeckPain #HeatOrIceForNeckPain #NeckPainReliefExercises DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational purposes only and should not be considered personal medical advice. The content reflects my personal opinion and not that of my employer(s). Use this information at your own risk. I am not responsible for any direct or indirect losses, injuries, illnesses, or any other damages resulting from the use of the information provided in this video.