"Gifts for the New Year: Baptism" Traditional Service - January 12, 2025 - 8:30 AM

"Gifts for the New Year: Baptism" Traditional Service - January 12, 2025 - 8:30 AM

Welcome and thank you for joining us this morning. We want to pray for you! Don't forget to fill out our Prayer Request/Attendance card at the bottom of our livestream page: https://stpaulplano.org/live Readings: Isaiah 43:1-7 Romans 6:1-11 Luke 3:15-22 Pastor Randy Haedge leads us in worship. His sermon, "Gifts for the New Year: Baptism" is based on the Gospel of the day, Luke 3:15-22. Music from the Lutheran Service Book (LSB) Word of God, Come Down to Earth (LSB 545) To Jordan's River Came Our Lord (LSB 405) The Gifts Christ Freely Gives (LSB 602) St Paul Lutheran Church - Plano, TX https://www.stpaulplano.org