12/10/21 - Friday of the Second Week of Advent
St John the Baptist Catholic Church, Zachary, LA
Friday of the Second Week of Advent
Friday Vespers
5pm Friday Mass at St. Michael's Church 12/10/21
Daily Mass, 12 10 21, 8:30 am St Thomas of Canterbury
Friday of the Second Week of Advent
Daily Morning Prayer, with Litany, 1928 BCP; Friday of Second Sunday after Advent, 12/10/21, 7:15 am
Friday Feria Mass of the 2nd Sunday in Advent (12/10/21)
Friday Feria Mass of the 2nd Sunday in Advent (12/10/21)
Friday of the Second Week of Advent - 12/10/21
12/10/21 - Friday of the Second Week of Advent
Friday of the Second Week of Advent- 12/10/21
12/10/21 - Friday of the Second Week of Advent
12-10-21: Friday of the Second Week of Advent
12-10-21 Mass 2nd Friday of Advent
Friday of the Second Week of Advent: 12/10/21
12/10/21 - 12:10pm Mass for Friday of the 2nd Week in Advent
Fr Joe’s Reflection,Friday of the Second Week of Advent 12–10–21
Noon Mass: 2nd Week of Advent: 12/10/21
The Flute and the Dirge by Fr Andy on 12/10/21
Daily Mass Friday 2nd Week of Advent 12/10/21