9:30 a.m. Mass of the Third Sunday of Lent
#LIVE | Welcome to St. Bernard Catholic faith community in Glassell Park, California, and our celebration of the Third Sunday of Lent. Then they took him and threw him into the cistern. + Jesus tells a parable about a fig tree. Unproductive. Not giving fruit. Taking up space. Absorbing the nutrients of the ground, exhausting the soil. The solution? "Cut it down." Another solution is offered — "Leave it for this year. I will cultivate it, fertilize it; it MAY bear fruit in the future." It sounds like Jesus' way of doing things. Always hopeful! Always willing to "do what it takes" to bring about the good, and always seeing things with the eyes of faith and the touch of grace. We come to Eucharist today so that the Lord may fertilize and cultivate, and grace us with his love. Who knows? Perhaps we, too, may bear fruit now and in the future! + As we continue to celebrate the sacred time of Lent, we gather as the Body of Christ with #LACatholics, and our viewers around the world — especially our online communities in the #Philippines, and #Italy. Where are you watching from? Let us know in the comments! Maligayang pagdating! Benvenuto! For the readings and Divine Mercy guide, visit www.stbernard-parish.com/readings, and www.stbernard-parish.com/divinemercy, respectively. + To make a tax-deductible donation to St. Bernard Catholic Church, visit us online, at www.stbernard-parish.com/giving to get started. And thanks!