10 Min Meditation To Calm The Mind | Activate Third-Eye Chakra For Inner-Alignment & Healing

10 Min Meditation To Calm The Mind | Activate Third-Eye Chakra For Inner-Alignment & Healing

Open your third eye in ten minutes with this guided meditation to calm your mind and find a powerful acceptance, surrender, and a profound path toward healing. Gift yourself the power to invite a profound moment full of endless possibilities and magic as you heighten your intuition by charging your pineal gland through this beautiful mindfulness practice. Today you will let go of what you can’t control and surrender completely to the unfolding of the universe. And it will feel complete. Instructor: Juliana Spicoluk Location: Playa Pelada, Costa Rica « « « « « 🜃 Access HUNDREDS of exclusive and customizable meditations to fit your life. On our App & Streaming Platform... Boho Beautiful Official App https://www.bohobeautiful.tv Apple Store https://apps.apple.com/us/app/boho-be... Android Store https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... « « « « « 🜃 Our NEW free meditation challenge: https://flow.bohobeautiful.life/freem... Join us for this free 11-day meditation challenge designed to deepen your meditation practice & easily create a new powerful habit. « « « « « 🜃 Our Boho Beautiful Official Website & Store https://www.bohobeautiful.life #meditation #guidedmeditation #bohobeautiful