방앗간가지 마세요 생쌀로 쉽게 쑥떡만들기 믹서기와다지기의 분쇄차이 냉장고에 넣어도 굳지않는떡 Don't do the mill. raw rice cake
안녕하세요 하랑쿠킹입니다 제철봄 영양가득 생쌀로 만드는 쑥떡입니다 쑥은 항산화와 염증해독에 탁월한효능이 있으며 비타민이풍부해 피부미용에도 좋다고 합니다 오늘 생쌀로 떡을 만들며 시행착오를 격으며 알아낸 믹서기와 다지기의 차이점과 생쌀로 가루를 만들수 있다는 사실을 영상으로 공유하려합니다 이제 방앗간가지 말고 집에서 쉽게 떡해드세요 이번 쑥떡은 찰떡처럼 말랑말랑하고 냉장고에 넣고 드시면 다음날 더 쫀득해지고 맛있습니다 만들기 너무 쉬우니 도전해보세요 ^^ 쑥떡만들기 재료 쑥 200g 쌀 200g 소금 7g 설탕 30g 물 85g 하랑베이킹에 쌀빵 현미쌀빵 만들기등 더 다양한 생쌀베이킹을 만나실수 있습니다 본격 실용베이킹 하랑베이킹을 검색하세요 https://youtube.com/@user-harangcooki... 몸이 즐거운 건강한 요리채널 (다이어트 글루텐프리 무설탕요리 등 )하랑키친을 검색하세요 https://youtube.com/@HarangKitchen?si... 시청해주셔서 감사합니다 구독과 좋아요와 따뜻한 댓글은 영상을 제작하는데 제게 큰 힘이 됩니다 Hello, I'm Harang Cooking It's mugwort rice cake made with nutritious fresh rice in spring It is said that mugwort is excellent for antioxidant and inflammatory detoxification and is rich in vitamins, so it is good for skin beauty Today, I'm going to share the difference between a blender and a mincing found out by making rice cakes with raw rice and the fact that you can make powder with raw rice in a video Don't do the mill now. Eat rice cake easily at home This mugwort rice cake is soft like rice cake, and if you put it in the refrigerator, it will be more chewy and delicious the next day It's so easy to make, so go for it ^^ Ingredients for making mugwort rice cake 200g of mugwort 200g of rice 7g of salt 30g sugar 85g of water You can meet more variety of raw rice baking, such as making rice bread and brown rice bread Please search for practical baking, Harang baking https://youtube.com/@user-harangcooki... Search for healthy healthy cooking channels (diet gluten-free, sugar-free, etc.) that are pleasant to the body https://youtube.com/@HarangKitchen?si... Thank you for watching. Subscribe, like, and warm comments give me a lot of strength in producing the video