Morning Prayer, August 31, 2021 - Tuesday, Week of Proper 17 (Aidan of Lindisfarne)
Morning Prayer, Rite Two Tuesday, Week of Proper 17 (Aidan of Lindisfarne) August 31, 2021 Find out more about Saint Aidan, Bishop of of Lindisfarne, Missionary, 651 at http://justus.anglican.org/resources/... FEEL FREE TO LISTEN OR JOIN IN AS MUCH AS YOU WISH. See below for resources to help you if you want to participate. MUSIC: Composed and performed by Cathy Morris. All rights reserved. Used by permission. --------------- TO JOIN IN THE PSALMS, PRAYERS, AND RESPONSES: Your easiest and best option: Click below. You can download or print if you like. http://breviary.stbedeproductions.com... 2. After the ForeOffice (Marian Anthem) and opening sentence, in the Book of Common Prayer, 1979 (“BCP”), at page 79. THE Psalms APPOINTED FOR THIS MORNING are: Psalm 26 (page 616 in the Book of Common Prayer) Psalm 28 (page 619 in the Book of Common Prayer) SCRIPTURE TEXTS FOR TODAY: I Kings 8:65-9:9 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/... Kings+8%3A65-9%3A9&version=ESV Learn more about the First Book of Kings at: https://bibleproject.com/explore/vide... James 2:14-26 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/... Learn more about the letter of James at: https://bibleproject.com/explore/vide... Find out more about Saint Aidan, Bishop of of Lindisfarne, Missionary, 651 at http://justus.anglican.org/resources/... Officiant: The Very Reverend Tom Malionek, Rector of Saint Paul’s Church, Kinderhook, New York, a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Albany, in the Anglican stream of the Christian tradition. If you need prayer, wish to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation; have questions the Scriptures, our doctrines, our practices (or anything), I will share with you freely whatever grace God gives me for you. Please be assured that I am praying for you. Please pray for me, and for Saint Paul’s, as well. And stay in touch! --------------- Announcements and prayers for the week of August 29 - September 4, 2021, are found in https://www.saintpaulskinderhook.org/... --------------- MORE ABOUT US www.saintpaulskinderhook.org / saintpaulskinderhook . TO SPEAK TO A PRIEST or LEAVE A PRAYER REQUEST or REQUEST A BIBLE or REQUEST A BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER or CONTACT US https://www.saintpaulskinderhook.org/... SUPPORT OUR MINISTRY click https://app.easytithe.com/App/Giving/... You can make a one-time or recurring donation to Saint Paul’s, and you can also modify or cancel recurring donations. For assistance with donations, call 518-758-6271 and leave a message. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR WEEKLY E-MAIL NEWSLETTER http://eepurl.com/cG4YSv SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YouTube CHANNEL / @saintpaulskinderhook1851 We are #stillthechurch We are #stillpraying #HeIsWithUsAlways