I'm 17. If you're 13-16 years old, please watch this...(2025)
I'm 17. If you're 13-16 years old, please watch this video...(2025) Subscribe @sovanshthakur.07 If you liked this video, I post more in-depth stuff and more frequently on my newsletter. To Join - https://sovanshs-newsletter.beehiiv.c... TimeStamps: Foundations - 00:00 The Biggest Lesson (1) - 00:14 Success Demands Only Two Things (2) - 08:27 The Interconnected Lessons (3 & 4) - 12:20 Inspired By I'm 18. If you're 13, 14, 15 or 16 years old, please watch this... Inspired By If you're 13-16 years old, Please watch this video... Inspired By If you're 13-18 years old, please watch this video... Inspired By If you're 13-18 years old, please watch this video... Inspired By Every teenager NEEDS to hear this! (2025) Inspired By Every teenager NEEDS to hear this! (2024) Inspired By 20 Life Lessons For Teenagers Inspired By Ruff, FarFromWeak, Jack Piggot, Ali Abdaal. Inspired By Rohit Iyer, Dan Koe, C7L, Hamza. #selfimprovement #selfdevelopment #hamza #farfromweak #imangadzhi #jackpiggot