(Non Commentary) PS4 RE2 Remake Claire A No Damage HARDCORE 100% Collectables Walkthrough

(Non Commentary) PS4 RE2 Remake Claire A No Damage HARDCORE 100% Collectables Walkthrough

Claire Redfield 1st Scenario Non Commentary Walkthrough is done on Hardcore difficulty with No Damage with 100% Collectables. This walkthrough will guide you to every item including herbs & first aid spray which I did bother to pick up so you can plan ahead on the items lay out, if you miss any notes/files no worries because you have to run Claire eventually just remember to pick up LEON ONLY items. Please Use the description Below to skip to whatever timeline you need or refences or take notes. As always thanks for watching the walkthrough Skip Intro/BS & get into gameplay 13:06 Intro 02:04 Petrol Kiosk 04:50 Raccoon Police Station Area 14:23 9Left 15Right 7Left Locker for Hip pouch 30:55 NED MRG Revolver SLS 60 Upgrade for loading 32:29 CAP Flame Rounds 35:33 102 106 109 208 Armory Codes 37:35 DCM SMG Ammo 39:25 Lion Leaf Griffin Lion Medallion 44:05 6Left 2Right 11Left JMB HP3 Upgrade Ammo Capacity 44:40 Fish Scorpion Vase Unicorn Medallion 57:03 Head Bow Snake Maiden Medallion 59:15 G Stage 1 Boss fight 01:05:15 Carpark/courtyard/basement 01:13:57 JMB Hp3 Handgun 01:19:24 GM79 Shoulder Stock Upgrade Grenade Launcher Aim 01:20:50 Raccoon Police Station Revisit with Mr X 01:31:50 MQ11 Submachine Gun SMG 01:36:38 103 203 Armory Codes 01:43:00 Electronic Lock Puzzle 01:47:03 Playing as Sherry Birkin 01:48:43 Young Escapee Trophy 01:48:43 Orphanage Zombie Dog area 02:01:57 Sewers Area 02:10:03 SZF SMG Ammo 02:14:07 2Left 12Right 8Left Revolver SLS 60 Upgrade to Magnum 02:26:25 Raccoon Police Station Final Visit 02:38:11 MQ11 Upgrade SMG Ammo Capacity increase 02:42:24 MQ11 Upgrade SMG Suppressor 02:47:21 G Stage 2 Boss fight Gotcha! Trophy 02:53:19 Laboratory Area 03:01:44 Spark Shot Damage Upgrade 03:07:05 Laboratory unlocking codes 03:10:21 Red Green Blue Red Green Blue Red Green 03:12:23 MURF 03:17:03 MUF 03:25:32 OSS 03:27:32 G Stage 3 Boss fight 03:37:59 G Stage 4 Boss fight 03:54:16 Ending Credits 03:58:18 Ranking Score 04:05:39 Collectables Raccoon Police Station 1) Claire Only Default "Letter From Best Friend" 15:57 2) Default "Officer's Notebook" 20:05 3) "Records Of Event" 28:11 Police Station 1st floor Map 28:40 4) Claire Only "Use Of Gunpowder" 30:08 5) "Operation Report" 31:33 6) "Rookie First Assignment" 32:09 Racoon #1 33:06 7) "Medicinal Benefits or Herbs" 33:52 8) "Portable Safe Instructions" 35:56 9) "Storage Locker Terminal Memo" 38:26 10) "To Any Survivors" 39:45 11) "Guide Pamphlet" 44:50 12) Art Article "the Red Stone" 45:45 13) "Internal Memo" 54:28 Racoon #2 54:54 Police Station Upper Floor Map 56:54 14) "Some Guy's Scribbling" 58:33 Carpark/courtyard/basement 15) "Equipment Disposal Notice" 01:14:15 16) "A Message From Mr Raccoon" 01:14:27 Racoon #3 01:14:53 17) "Autopsy Record No:53477" 01:16:09 18) Claire Only "Raccoon Monthly, June Issue" 01:19:57 Police Station B1 Map 01:20:20 19) Claire Only "Copy Of Emails To Chief Irons" 01:21:30 20) Claire Only "Repair Shop Letter" 01:22:40 21) Claire Only "Taxidermy Log" 01:23:30 Racoon #4 01:24:25 Claire Only Racoon #5 01:25:28 22) "Confiscation Report" 01:28:05 Racoon Police Station (Revisit) 23) "Letter To S.T.A.R.S Member" 01:36:24 Racoon #6 01:41:19 24) "Repair Plan" 01:41:45 Orphanage 25) Sherry Only "Sally's Diary" 01:50:18 26) Claire/Sherry Only "Tom's Diary" 01:51:59 27) Claire/Sherry Only "??? Diary" 01:53:07 Claire Only Racoon #7 02:03:33 Claire Only Racoon #8 02:04:29 28) Claire Only "Letter From The Director" 02:04:35 Sewers 29) Claire Only "Report About G" 02:10:17 30) "Copy Of Email To Umbrella HQ" 02:13:44 Sewers Map 02:15:12 31) "Sewers Company Pamphlet" 02:15:25 32) "Delivery Receipt" 02:17:38 Racoon #9 02:22:06 33) "Unlocking The U-Area Door" 02:28:25 34) "Jazz Festival Flyer" 02:38:11 Laboratory 35) Claire Only "Important NEST -wide Alert" 03:03:16 Research Lab North Area Map 03:03:33 36) "Nap Room Log" 03:03:54 37) "ID Wristband" 03:04:51 Racoon #10 03:06:15 38) "Special Forces Recording" 03:07:50 39) "Herbicide Synthesis" 03:12:07 40) "Somebody's Note" 03:16:00 41) "Wayne Li's Inbox" 03:23:35 42) "Byron Cartwright's Inbox" 03:23:35 Racoon #11 03:25:53 43) "Wayne Li's Note" 03:25:57 44) "William Birkin's Inbox" 03:29:29 45) "Research Diary" 03:31:04 #borntoexpressnottoimpress (Non Commentary) PS4 RE2 Remake Leon A No Damage HARDCORE 100% Collectables Walkthrough:    • (Non Commentary) PS4 RE2 Remake Leon ...   (Non Commentary) PS4 Claire 1st Hardcore Rank S+ No Damage No Item box Walkthrough:    • (Non Commentary) PS4 RE2 Remake Clair...   (Non Commentary) PS4 Claire 1st Hardcore Rank S+ No Damage walkthrough:    • (Non Commentary) PS4 Claire A HARDCOR...