Stop Cutting Basil Wrong! The Best Way to Prune for More Growth

Stop Cutting Basil Wrong! The Best Way to Prune for More Growth

Want a bushy, thriving basil plant that keeps producing fresh leaves all season long? In this video, we show you the best way to prune and care for your basil at home! 🌱 🚫 Don't just pick individual leaves! Instead, trim the stem 2 inches above the first knot (node)—this encourages two new stems to grow, making your plant fuller and more productive. Just keep watering your plant and you can keep harvesting it forever! Hit LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for more gardening tips, and let us know in the comments how your basil is growing! 🌿✨ #BasilCare #HowToGrowBasil #PruningBasil #BasilPlantTips #GardeningHacks #IndoorGardening #HerbGarden #GrowingBasilIndoors #BasilHarvesting #PlantCareTips #HomeGardening #GardeningForBeginners #UrbanGardening #gardening 0:00 Intro 0:23 Don'ts 0:37 Harvesting Tips 1:41 Questions Time 2:35 Outro Our Other Social Channels:   / 3hatsandaplot     / hatsandplot   Music: Mr. Pink - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena • Mr. Pink – Topher Mohr and Alex Elena...