NEARER, MY GOD, TO THEE | SONGS OF THE SAVIOR | WORSHIP SONG 2025 Experience the comforting presence of God with this powerful worship song "Nearer, My God, to Thee." May these lyrics inspire you to draw closer to Jesus, finding peace in every step of your journey. 🙏✨ 📖 Inspired by Genesis 28:12 — "He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it." 🔔 Subscribe for more uplifting worship songs. 👍 Like & Share to spread the love of Christ. 💬 Comment with your favorite Bible verse that brings you nearer to God! #NearerMyGodToThee #ChristianWorship #JesusSaves #FaithMusic #PraiseAndWorship #WorshipSong #BibleVerses #SpiritualJourney #GospelMusic #ChristianFaith #WorshipExperience #SoulfulPraise Join this channel to get access to perks: / @songsofthesavior Links you may follow :- https://www.dailymotion.com/search/to... https://www.you42.com/channel/13702 / krissquotes666 / samritg / samritg / @todaysprayerspark https://todaysprayerspark.blogspot.com https://songsofthesavior.quora.com/ https://t.me/SONGSOFTHESAVIOR https://my-store-10197aa.creator-spri... https://linktr.ee/PoojaGill https://poojag.itch.io/unlimited-free... https://my-store-10197aa.creator-spri... FOR PRAYER REQUEST : - EVANGELIST SAHIL GILL : - +917087276703 PASTOR AMIT GILL : - +918360946701 FOR OFFERINGS & DONATIONS : - ACCOUNT NO. : - 7513464268 KOTAK MAHINDRA BANK IFSC : - KKBK0000282 SAMRIT GILL FOR PAYPAL USER : - [email protected] FOR GPAY / PAYTM : - 9988660272 FOR UPI USER : - 9988660272@kotak Your Queries : - @hillsongworship @hillsongunited @ElevationWorshipMusics @elevationworship @JesusCultureOfficial @churchofjesuschrist @jessus_20 @jesuscalls @jesusrestrepoart @bibleproject @GaitherMusic @DonMoenTV @ONEFORISRAEL @JosephPrince @joycemeyer @JoyceMeyerMinistriesPortuguese @ForKingAndCountry @LadyGaga @justinbieberlife55200 @justinbieber 10000 reasons best praise and worship songs playlist christian music playlist christian music playlist 2024 hillsong jesus don moen don moen praise and worship don moen praise and worship songs don moen worship songs goodness of god gospel nonstop christian songs praise and worship songs top praise and worship songs 2024 jesus songs of the savior • JESUS I NEED YOU 💖 Songs of the Savio... • Your Word, My Light | Songs of the Sa... 2024 holy heaven justin bieber justin bieber holy heaven #SongsOfTheSavior WorshipSongs ChristianMusic JesusSongs PraiseAndWorship FaithMusic GospelMusic WorshipHymns ChristianWorship SongsOfPraise PraiseTheLord SpiritualSongs WorshipWithUs JesusIsLord HolyWorship hillsongworship hillsongunited elevationworship jesuscalls oneforisrael bibleproject gaithermusictv josephprince joycemeyer forkingandcountry justinbieber ladygaga @hillsongworship @hillsongunited @elevationworship @jesuscalls @ONEFORISRAEL @bibleproject @GaitherMusic @JosephPrince @joycemeyer @ForKingAndCountry hillsongmusic hillsongworship christiansongs worshipsongs worshipmusic hillsongworship gospelsong hillsongmussic bestworshipsongsever hillsongunited bibleproject jesuschrist jesuscalls jesussongs music songsofthesavior songsofpraise songsofthesavior hillsongworshipcollection gospelmusicarena gospelmusica gospelsongslyrics christianmusicalchemy biblestudyforwomen christiandevotionalsongs christiandevotionalsongskaraoke christiandevotionalsongsdownload healingmusicoterapia Song Lyrics : - Nearer, My God, to Thee (Worship Song Lyrics) Verse 1: When the night is long, and my heart feels weak, Through the storm, Lord, You hear me speak. Like Jacob's ladder, rising high, Draw me closer, Lord, to Your side. Chorus: Nearer, my God, to Thee! Through the trials, I will sing. Though the valley may be deep, Your love lifts and carries me. Verse 2: In the desert place, when my soul feels dry, Like a river, Lord, You satisfy. Through the fire, through the rain, Your mercy calls me back again. Chorus (Repeat) Nearer, my God, to Thee! Through the trials, I will sing. Though the valley may be deep, Your love lifts and carries me. Bridge: You are my rock, my hiding place, In Your presence, I find grace. Every tear, every prayer, Brings me closer, You are there! Outro: So I will rise on wings of faith, Till I see You face to face. Forevermore, my song will be, Nearer, my God, to Thee! This song is inspired by Genesis 28:12 (Jacob’s ladder) and Psalm 73:28 ("But as for me, it is good to be near God").