A Nomad Olympic Games in Kyrgyzstan | Travel Vlog
On the vlog today, a nomad Olympic games in Kyrgyzstan Today in Kyrgyzstan I got to see an event I was really hoping to see. There was an event put on with the help of the USAID BGI in Kyrgyzstan which was kind of like a nomad Olympic games. So, that's where the bulk of today's travel vlog is situated. But, before starting I headed out on a horse trek with my local guide to talk a little bit about nomad life and to get some views of the beautiful lake. Unfortunately, the clouds rolled in and at the panoramic view we were left kind of skunked for views. Still the horse ride up was beautiful. The countryside here in Kyrgyzstan is just stunning. Absolutely stunning. From the horse trek, we stopped at a yurt camp to get some snacks and drink some fermented mare's milk and then caught a ride to the nomad games. There were all sorts of events at the nomad games. Basically, any skill set that was or is used by nomads was on display. In many ways, it's kind of like a rodeo. We started doing rodeos in North America when cowboys started to worry that their skills were starting to fade. It's the same here in Kyrgyzstan. So, there was archery, as the travel vlog thumbnail indicates. There was also eagle hunting, horse races, yurt building, and other events. But, the main event was Kok-Boru. This is known locally as horseback football. Tourists like to call it dead goat football or dead goat soccer. It's a traditional sport in which teams drag around a dead goat while on horseback trying to put it into their opponent's goal. It's a crazy sport, but it's traditional here in Kyrgyzstan. Tomorrow, I'll have an entire travel vlog dedicated to dead goat football here in Kyrgyzstan, so stay tuned for that. I ended the day completely sun burnt, but also just so stoked on life. So far, my time here in Kyrgyzstan has been incredible and I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow here in this beautiful country. The travel vlog continues with tomorrow's show from here in Central Asia.