Fear the Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 10 - Mourning Cloak - Video Review
In this video we will be doing our review for the second episode of Fear the Walking Dead Season 7's second half. This one is for Episode 10 Mourning Cloak. Spoilers to follow! This episode actually really surprised me. About half way through I thought this was an absolutely terrible episode. But by the end, I was absolutely shocked! I really couldn't believe they went that route, right at the end. It was quite tragic, especially because Aly and Charlie are so young. This is a bottled off episode, as we've been seeing lately on Fear, likely to control for budget, and possibly\hopefully a big upcoming fight episode with Morgan and Alicia vs Strand and the Tower. I am very excited to see this final episodes of Season 7, as it does feel like everything is shaping up to a climax with this Strand vs our survivors type of war. This should be a great ending, hopefully! I am going to actually give this episode a 9 out of 10 because of how shocked I was at the end the way the episode totally completely turned around from a teen romance episode, into an absolutely stunning tragedy for Charlie. I've never liked Charlie after what happened with Nick, but this episode did help elevate her. I hope you all enjoy the review, and thanks for watching! Trev saying peace! #fearthewalkingdead #fearseason7 #fear7