Trinity Sunday - 11:00 am Service - May 30th 2021
TRINITY SUNDAY May 30th, 2021 - 11:00 a.m. HOLY EUCHARIST Download the bulletin here: https://amcathparis.com/online-services The American Cathedral of the Holy Trinity welcomes all people. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, whatever your questions, whatever your situation, we are glad you are here. Please consider making a financial contribution to the Cathedral and join us in continuing the essential ministries, education, and outreach that our community needs now more than ever. You can donate online here: http://amcathparis.com/donate This Sunday, we are entering a new phase of creating a digital worship space: full livestreaming with a permanent system. We ask your patience and trust as we install, test, and tweak our new system. It has been a long time in the making, and is still under construction. Until further notice, services will be livestreamed on Facebook only and posted afterwards on YouTube. Please direct questions and concerns to [email protected]. SERVING TODAY: Celebrant: The Rev. Canon Nathaniel Katz; Preacher: The Rt. Rev. Mark D. W. Edington; Lectors: Harriet Rivière, Sabine Jaccard; Organist: Andrew Dewar; Director of Music: Canon Zachary Ullery; Cathedral Choir Staff Singers; Acolytes: John Martel de Créquy, Constantin Martel de Créquy; Altar Guild: Doris MacDonald; Flower Guild: Linette Quintana; Ushers: Laurence Hulin, Élénore Capdevielle; Vestry: Elizabeth Haynes, Jennifer Gosmand; Sunday School: Jessica Wolpman, Alicia Saba; Production: Sarah Sturman. The flowers on the altar are given by Bishop Mark and Judith Edington to the Glory of God and in thanks for the ministry and service of the Vestry of the Cathedral. ONE LICENSE # A-732425 For more information, visit us at https://amcathparis.com/