How to draw VASUDHA Symbol.. this symbol is used to attract Wealth, Abundance & Prosperity.
This symbol can be used for protection and healing of black magic / psychic attack, improving of finances, and getting spiritual blessings from our ancestors and family. This Reiki symbol helps in attracting finances by this method. This symbol also helps in attaining a continuous growth and prosperity in financial and personal life. This symbol can be drawn on a 2” X 2” paper or you can have the print out of this symbol in color. Then cover this symbol with any currency note and keep it in your wallet, money bag, shirt pocket or in any safe place, where you keep your money. On a yellow / green color paper, draw this symbol. To activate this symbol to bring in more prosperity, light agarbatty / sage. Now mentally on the back side of the paper, draw Chokure+Vasudha+Chokure to activate it while affirming that the person is blessed with abundance and prosperity. Then send Reiki for few minutes. Now place the charged paper on your workplace, which will bring in more finances and opportunities to your life. You can also place the charged paper on the backside of your main entrance door. This seals the prosperity entering into your house and keeps you positive and prosperous forever. For more details contact : +1-647-446-4403