Americans Try Eastern European Snacks (pt 2 of 2)

Americans Try Eastern European Snacks (pt 2 of 2)

Part two of our amazing Eastern European Snack Box Adventure. WE received TWO World Wide Treat Snack boxes stuffed full of snacks from places like Croatia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia and we were delighted to find that the boxes were actually quite different.... so we decided we need to eat them both... in one sitting.... for you know.... SCIENCE. Not gonna lie, this second round of treats almost did us in (soooo many snacks!) but it was totally worth it. Thank you Ed Keaton for sending us this snack box of the Amazon Wishlist. You are always supporting the channel and we really appreciate all that you do for us. SUPPORT THE SHOW PayPal: Amazon Wish List: BUSINESS TIME! Subscribe to this Channel: SOCIAL MEDIA REQUIREMENTS Instagram   / natalieandtara   Facebook:   / natalieandtara   Twitter:   / natalientara   Send us Stuff! Tara Jayn PO BOX 741966 LOS ANGELES, CA 90004-8961 #trystuff #nextthing #snackboxes