Holy Eucharist, Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 7, 2023
Description Box: Welcome to our worship! Whoever you are and wherever you are in the world, St. Stephen's welcomes you! If you would like to follow the liturgy, you can do so here: https://tinyurl.com/SSECEaster2023 Readings: Acts 7. 55-60 Psalm 31. 1-5, 15-16 I Peter 2. 2-10 John 14. 1-14 You can follow along with the readings at http://www.lectionarypage.net/YearA_R... Presiding: Fr. Ian Delinger Preaching: The Rev. Jen Crompton Choral Scholar(s): Lia Fagan, Joseph Lilly Organis: Dr. Marti Lindholm Ushers: Cheryl McCollum & Shannon Larrabee Lector: Shannon Larrabee Lay Eucharistic Ministers: Sophia Ogbo & Liz Frost Altar Guild: Diane Levison & Nancy Deovlet If you would like to make a donation, you can do so here: paypal.me/ststephensslo Used by Permission. CCLI Copyright License number: 11609736 & CSPL149685.