SAViNG SANTA from EViL ELF!! a Rescue Mission to save Christmas on Roblox with Niko Adley & Navey
..find all the clues to escape a Roblox Escape Room JOIN THE FAM - / @gforgaming HEY EVERYBODY!! Hello boys & girls, ladies and gentlemen and Merry Christmas! Welcome back to a brand new exciting episode of G for Gaming! Today we have an extra cozy and fun episode of some fun Roblox obbies and mini games! Since it's that bright and cheery time of year, we got the whole family together to play some fun Christmas Roblox games! BUT, first we have an extra special surprise from our very own Shauntaclaus! Or... Santa Claus? No, it's just Dad! Or is it? Anyways, we have a super awesome surprise in all of our very own Spacestation Apps Roblox games! You can now find Snow the Elf and the brand new friend Elfy related clothes and even little elves you can carry around on your shoulder with you! We all explored some of our favorite Spacestation Apps games on Roblox like Adley's Free Admin, Adley's YouTube Cartoon Obby, Rainbow Ghost Run and of course, Pirate island! After that surprise, we all decided to play the first Christmas game of the day! Adley, Navey, Niko, Shaun and Jenny all transported into the first game called "Where's Santa?" It's a fun story game where we all were at our grandma and grandpa's house and suddenly we hear Santa on the roof but he's missing! We had to follow the presents down the path until we got to an igloo and had to build a fire and shelter! In the morning we had to cross a frozen lake and Jenny told us not to touch the freezing water but Adley accidentally slipped and oofed in the water! Then Jenny and Navey fell in the water to and it was up to Shaun and Niko to go on and fix the broken bridge, sneak into the cave and defeat the evil elf! Shaun fought hard but eventually the evil elf got him! But after that we still had a Roblox Christmas Escape room game to play! We had to solve a different puzzle and challenge in each room! Some of them we had to count the elves or even search around the Christmas trees and even the Christmas presents! Some of the rooms were even Roblox obbies with giant hot chocolate and candy canes that we had to jump on to win! Adley, Niko, Navey and Mom and Dad beat every single escape room! We had a BLAST playing these Christmas themed Roblox games and we can't wait to get more Christmas G for Gaming episodes your way soon! Thanks for watching!! BYE! PSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH enjoy some A for Adley videos: / aforadleyle. . have a blast with our A for Adley Shorts: / @aforadleyshorts share a best day ever with our family: / shonduras fun best day ever shorts: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgVE... watch the latest A for Adley video: WiNTER CRAFTS with ADLEY and FAMiLY!! How to Make fun ornaments for a Christmas Tree! Snowy & Elfy • WiNTER CRAFTS with ADLEY and FAMiLY!!... this is our channel G for Gaming!! this is a place that i can share all of my favorite gaming moments!!