class 9th chapter 11 exercise 11.4 question 7 and question 8 solution ncert new book 2024-25 cbse
✅ In this video,✔️ Class: 9th✔️ Subject: Maths✔️ Chapter: Surface Areas and Volumes (Chapter 11)✔️ Topic Name: Exercise 11.4 solution ✔️ Topics Covered In This Video (By Deepak Sir): In this e session, we will providing clear explanations and valuable problem-solving strategies for Surface Areas and Volumes, Exercise 11.4. ======================================================= 00:01 Introduction: Surface Areas and Volumes EX 11.4 NCERT 00:09 Question 7. Find the volume of a sphere whose surface area is 154 cm2 02:25 Question 8. A dome of a building is in the form of a hemisphere. From inside, it was white-washed at the cost of ` 4989.60. If the cost of white-washing is ` 20 per square metre, find the (i) inside surface area of the dome, (ii) volume of the air inside the dome ======================================================= 👉Previous Video: • class 9th exercise 11.4 solution of q... • class 9th exercise 11.3 Q6 & Q7 solu... • class 9th exercise 11.3 q3,q4 & q5 so... • Class 9th Exercise 11.3 q1 & q2 solut... • Introduction How to find the volume o... • Surface Areas and Volumes- Exiercise ... • Surface area (sphere) class 9th exer... 👉CHAPTER 11 Video: • Heron's Formula - Exercise 10.1 quest... • How to find the Area of Equilateral t... • Heron's Formula Explained: Step-by-St... • Exercise 9.3 Q12 | Circle | Chapter -... ======================================================= Why study from Deep Mathematics Classes ? Deep Mathematics Classes is an online education platform that helps gives you NCERT/CBSE curriculum-based full courses free from class6 to Class 12th so that you can perform well in any and all exams you give in your academic career. 👉 Contact us 🤑 [email protected] FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL JOIN US TELIGRAM GROUP : https://t.me/+Xsl54PEEBwozYzFl JOIN US ON FACEBOOK : / dmcmathswala FOLLOW US INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/dmcdeepak55... #class9 #class9maths#chapter11 #maths #surfaceareas #volume #surfaceareasandvolumes #deepmathematicsclasses #newsession2023_24 #cbse2023_24 #cbseboard #ncert #examples #ncertexamples exercise 11.4 class 9 solutions with justification class 9 maths chapter 11 exercise 11.4 question 7 class 9 maths chapter 11 exercise 11.4 question 8 maths class 9 chapter 11 exercise 11.4 question 7 maths class 9 chapter 11 surface area and volume maths class 9 chapter 11 exercise 11.4 question 8 class 9 maths exercise 11.4 solutions cbse 2023-24, cbse 2024, ncert,new ncert book , magnet brains, class 9 maths chapter 11 new syllabus 2023-24, class 9 maths chapter 11 exercise 11.4 question 7, class 9 maths ex 11.4 q8, class 9th maths chapter 11 exercise 11.4 q7, surface areas and volumes class 9, surface areas and volumes, surface area and volume class 9 exercise 11.4, class 9 maths chapter 11 exercise 11.4 question 8, exercise 11.4 class 9 question 7, question 6 exercise 11.4 class 9, q5 exercise 11.4 class 9 math Disclaimer: "This video is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to infringe on any copyrights. If you believe that this video has used any copyrighted material in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please contact us at [email protected] and we will take appropriate action."