GLOW UP DIARIES EPISODE 1 | 6 month of dedication to change my life around

GLOW UP DIARIES EPISODE 1 | 6 month of dedication to change my life around

the start of the real GLOW UP DIARIES SERIES. How I'm changing my life to become the person I've always wanted to become. ❤️Subscribe for weekly videos ❤️    / @kimberleywilcox   GLOW UP DIARIES EPISODES EP 2 :    • GLOW UP DIARIES EPISODE 2 / WEEKEND V...   ✨Videos like this ✨ what i eat in a week:    • WHAT I EAT IN A WEEK: low carb meal p...   i trie 10k steps for a week:    • WALKING 10K A DAY AS A LAZY PERSON 🥳 ...   healthy lifestyle playlist:    • Playlist   🥰Find me 🥰 Instagram:   / lifeofkimm   @lifeofkimm @kimtohealthy Pinterest: Email enquires: [email protected] 🌟 faq: where do I live: Sydney, Aus what do you do for work: Laser & Skin Therapist how old are you: 26 subscriber count: 938 They say you have to hit rock bottom to have something to work towards. I have. This is my beginning hopefully the end of my weight struggles and being unhappy with myself. MY Self-Love, weight loss, skin transformation & self- development, To become the person I have ever dreamed of. Equipment: Camera: Lighting: Editing: FCPX Overlays: Picmonkey Thanks lovelys for taking the time out to watching my video! 😘😘😘 #GLOWUPDIARIES #GLOWUPDIARIESEPISODE1 #CHANGINGMYLIFE