Return to In-House Worship, First Week in Lent, Feb. 21, 2021

Return to In-House Worship, First Week in Lent, Feb. 21, 2021

Welcome back! The first Sunday in Lent marks our first return to in-house worship since the Thanksgiving season. We are so happy to be back to corporate worship! This week Pastor Luke preached on the theme of "Grace" as the first part of his Lenten series. Scriptures: John 1: 14-17; John 3:14-17 _________________________________ Rev. Luke Oskin, Sr. Pastor Rev. Katie Oskin, Assoc. Pastor Music in Worship this Morning: Old Rugged Cross by George Bernard Performed by Patti Laughlin CCLI #1432372 _________________________________ Tithes and Offerings Can Be Sent To: 59 Orchard Ave. Hubbard, OH 44425 First Baptist Church of Hubbard, OH is an American Baptist Church of both Ohio & USA. _________________________________ Find Us here:   / firstbaptisthubbard