중국내 불법체류 비자연장 및 안전귀국 We will solve the overstay for Koreans and foreigners in China and your visa.
We will solve the overstay for Koreans and foreigners in China and your visa. 중국내 한국인 외국인 불법체류, 오버스테이 비자연장 및 안전귀국 방법 알려 드립니다. https://blog.naver.com/tjgywjd4070 중국행정컨설팅 : 네이버 블로그 재 중 한국인 불법 체류 또는 오버스테이 해결 후 귀국시켜 드립니다. 중국의 민사, 형사상 사건 기록 유무 확인해 드립니다. 확인 후 이상 없을 경우 귀국 가능하십니다. blog.naver.com 재 중 한국인 불법 체류 해결, 귀국 업무, 중국 민형사 사건조회, 인터폴 적색수배 조회, 중국인 가족 생사 확인, 불법체류 출국시 재입국 가능 비자발급, 구류없이 추방, 구류 후 추방, 중국 변호사 선임, 출입경 및 공안 행정 상담, 위급한 상황 대처 방법 및 상담, 추방 과정 및 한국 입국 과정 상담 블로그 방문 하시면 더 많은 내용 있습니다. (당사는 국내에 사업자를 가지고 운영하는 정식 사업자 입니다. 사업 목적은 중국 내 한국인의 안전하고 편안한 귀국 입니다) 중국 체류에 어려움이 있으면 무조건 연락 주세요 방법 찾아 해결해 드립니다. 아무때나 연락 주세요. 무료 상담해 드립니다. 시작 부터 귀국행 비행기 탑승까지 어떠한 걱정도 없이 편안한 귀국 보장 합니다. 한국 연락처 위쳇: incj778899, 카카오톡 incj007788, 전화 010 2385 3471 (텔레그램 Tellagram: incj0123 ) 최저 비용으로 해결해 드립니다. 비자 오버되신 분들은 도움 받을 수 있는 곳이 있다는 것 만으로도 희망을 가질 수 있습니다 누구에게는 필요하신 분들이 정말 많습니다. We will solve the overstay for Koreans and foreigners in China and your visa. https://blog.naver.com/tjgywjd4070 China Administrative Consulting: Naver Blog We will return to Korea after resolving illegal stay or overstay in Korea. We will check whether there is a record of civil and criminal cases in China. If there is no problem after checking, you can return home. blog.naver.com Resolution of illegal Korean stay in China, return work, Chinese civil and criminal case inquiry, interpol red search, Chinese family life and death, re-entry visa issuance, deportation without detention, deportation after detention, Chinese lawyer appointment, access and public security consultation, emergency response and deportation process, and Korean immigration process There's more content if you visit the blog. (We are a formal business operator that operates with a business operator in Korea. Business purpose is safe and comfortable return of Koreans in China) If you have any difficulties staying in China, please contact me We'll find a way to solve it. Please contact me anytime. We offer free consultation. From the start to boarding the flight home, we guarantee you a comfortable return home without any worries. 1. I will also tell you how to move without a visa from China. 2. Passport check for departure availability--. Civil and criminal cases in China are inquired in advance. If you check your passport in advance to see if you can leave the country, you can prepare it comfortably until you decide to return home. 3. Conditions: Short-term or long-term overstay, Korean and no civil or criminal in China. 4. We will also help those who have been suspended from prosecution, arrest warrants, and passport invalidated in Korea. 5. If you decide to return to Korea and you are unable to move due to personal reasons or an emergency, we will help you. Preparatory documents: valid passport or temporary passport If you don't have a passport, please take a picture of your passport (the consulate makes an emergency passport) Even if you don't have an ID card, we will make a passport. ** If you don't have a passport, the passport issuance period (4-5 days 1. If the expiration date of the lost passport has passed: No report of loss to the police box. 2. If the lost passport is still valid: If you get your passport reissued, you have to report it to the police box and go to the consulate with the certificate of loss given by the police box. If you go to the consulate, they tell you to take the documents from the consulate and go to the city entrance to get them If you go to the consulate after receiving it, you will get your passport issued. If you don't know an acquaintance, please go to the working-level office and we will help you report the loss of the police box. (Move to your own or vehicle) Costs (Cash receipts can be processed for domestic expenses) ** Unlawful visa extension: Issue of T visa on 7-30 days. The cost will be decided after consultation. (Re-entry is possible immediately) (Even if you have a case in Korea, you can apply.) *Doesn't matter about the over period. You can leave for any country Advance RMB 10,000 won to 50,000 won. The balance will be paid in full by the day before the visa extension Advance RMB 30,000 won to 50,000 won, passport photo, final visa, and arrival stamp can be taken and sent. If you apply for an extension at the immigration office when you extend your visa, you will get a visa within 5 days from the next day. You will receive it the day after applying for a visa at the earliest.