New Nintendo Switch 2 Reveal & Details JUST DROPPED!

New Nintendo Switch 2 Reveal & Details JUST DROPPED!

it seems we have some new nintendo switch 2 leaks to talk about! recently, mario kart 9 could have been leaked for the nintendo switch. recently, more mario kart evidence has popped up with mario kart accessory featuring the nintendo switch 2 joycons! the reveal for the nintendo switch 2 could've also been leaked. but this time, in this video more insider are talking about a january switch 2 reveal and new rumros suggest a wii u type gimmick?could the nintendo switch 2 direct be in january?! we also talk about some new details for witcher 4, a sale for the megaman collection and more! we talk about all this nintendo news and more here on the robo tron show where we cover the latest nintendo switch leaks, nintendo switch rumor and nintendo switch news. even some playstation 5 and xbox topics as well! for more video game news, subscribe to robo rob gaming today! source -   / a_user_on_rnintendoswitch2_claim_to_have_s...   - other nintendo switch videos! paper mario ttyd 30 fps?! -    • Bad Nintendo Switch News For Paper Ma...   dream nintendo direct! -    • DREAM 2024 Nintendo Direct! - zelda P...   nintendo switch 2 leak specs -    • These BIG & NEW Nintendo Switch 2 Lea...   legend of zelda ports and why we need them! -    • WAIT! We DONT NEED The Legend Of Zeld...   #nintendodirect #NintendoSwitch2 #SwitchOLED #Nintendo #Gaming #Nintendo #SwitchNews #NintendoSwitch #SwitchRumors #SwitchLeaks #Switch #SwitchOLED #Nintendo #NintendoNews #GamingNews #VideoGameNews #SwitchOLED #SwitchNews #nso