Why Did We Try This?! Terminus Easter Egg On The HARDEST DIFFICULTY In A Public Lobby

Why Did We Try This?! Terminus Easter Egg On The HARDEST DIFFICULTY In A Public Lobby

Why Did We Try This?! Terminus Easter Egg On The HARDEST DIFFICULTY In A Public Lobby. In this video I tried to complete the Terminus Easter Egg with randoms in a public lobby on Black Ops 6. We have some very funny and raging moments in this video, so if you enjoy, like the video and I’ll do this again on Citadelle Des Morts if we get 20 likes. If you enjoyed the video subscribe as well. Shoutout to ‪@ohChamber‬ for the idea Social Media: Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/cizom_?igsh... TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@cizom?_t=ZP-8... Timestamps: 0:00 - Attempt 1 3:49 - Attempt 2 7:30 - Attempt 3 #cod #gaming #blackops6 #challenge