Surat Nisa with urdu translation | whatsapp status #shortstatus #newvideo2023
An-Nisa' (Arabic: ٱلنساء, An-Nisāʾ; meaning: The Women) is the fourth chapter (sūrah) of the Quran, with 176 verses (āyāt). The title derives from the numerous references to women throughout the chapter, including verse 34 and verses 127-130. No. of verses: 176. Insh'Allah! Quran Translation shall keep posting Videos regularly. Plz SUBSCRIBE and DO NOT FORGET TO SHARE VIDEOS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is Quran Translation youtube channel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✮ SUBSCRIBE: ✮ / @quran_inurdu #qurantranslation #suratnissa #suratnisatranslation #suratnisaaquranvideo #jumamubarak #islamicvideo #quranmajeed #qurantranslation #islamicchannel #newvideo #suratnissaverses #tarjumaa #viralshorts #trendingvideoediting #qurantranslation #surah @QuranTranslationHDR #qurantranslationinurdu #urdutranslation #translation #quran Quran Translation,Quran Urdu translation,surah mujadila,quran translation,quran with urdu translation,quran,surah al mujadila - urdu translation only,surah mujadilah urdu translation only,surah al mujadila,quran urdu translation,quran only urdu translation,quran surah 58: al-mujadila urdu translation,translation,surah mujadila urdu translation,urdu translation,surah nisa,surah nisa translation,islamic video,quran video,ٱلنساء