Once Human - 500k / Hour Energy Link Farm Route, The BEST Way To Get Cortexes and Buzzy Bees
Want to make 500,000 energy links an hour? This Once Human guide will teach you the best possible farming route for several things, including long lasting food materials, cortex's from bosses, several produce items, raw xp from boss mobs, stardust source, and more! With this route you'll be able to process herbs and food items to generate over 500,000 energy links per hour if you have at least one alt account to sell to vendors each week. The more alt accounts, the more energy links generated. With this method you'll never have to set up a vending machine and ask world chat to buy items as you'll be able to infinitely and quickly generate highly valuable items to sell to vendors allowing you to enjoy the game with less grind or social interaction. This route also gets you buzzy bees which are required if you want to have a crop growing base for phase 2. If you want to play Once Human, visit: https://store.steampowered.com/app/21... 💸Donate here: https://streamlabs.com/swolebenji (Text to speech for $1 or more.) 💬 Discord: / discord Support me by becoming a CHANNEL MEMBER!: / @swolebenji Lets Plays: Speed Running to tier 3: • Once Human - Speedrunning The Early G... Guides: Best Start For New Players: • Once Human - The BEST POSSIBLE START ... Odds of Wish Machine: • Once Human - When To Buy or Roll For ... Weapon Accessory Stats Explained: • Once Human Weapon Accessory Stats Exp... Best Ways to Level in Phase One: • Once Human - FASTEST Ways to Level Up... What to do on Week 1, Phase 1: • Once Human - Guide To Your FIRST WEEK... Phase 1 Gardening Guide: • Once Human - How to AUTOMATE a Garden... Best place to farm silver in phase 1: • Once Human - The BEST Silver Farm in ... Easy Tree Boss Method Phase 1 Normal: • Once Human - How to EASILY Beat the T... Best Way To Solo Refinery Defense Missions: • Once Human - BEST Way To SOLO Refiner... Guide to fishing: • Once Human - Fishing Guide, How To Fi... Best Base for Territory Purification: • Once Human - BEST Base For Territory ... How to Farm 500k Energy Links an Hour: • Once Human - 500k / Hour Energy Link ... Best Way To Grow Crops, Crop Math: • Once Human - BEST Way To Grow Crops, ... Best Early Weapon To Unlock: • Once Human - The BEST Early Game Weap... This farm route in Once Human is the fastest way to get cortex's. I am able to get well over 40 level 3 cortex's each and every week with plenty left over while also getting insanely rich from making 500,000 energy links an hour and having well over 20 buzzy bee's by the time week 2 rolls around. This is the best overall money making farm route in the entire game and it's very good for XP gain as well. I show off the route, then a time lapse of the route and how much materials you can expect to farm unbuffed, and show exactly how to process everything you farmed to get the most return. #oncehuman #starrystudio #oncehumangame