![Doom Eternal, Blind - Ultra-Violence - No Commentary - Part 11 [Sentinel Prime]](https://krtube.net/image/0ElOsdDfpH4.webp)
Doom Eternal, Blind - Ultra-Violence - No Commentary - Part 11 [Sentinel Prime]
This is a stage that is... pretty strange for a Doom game. It's a very story and lore heavy stage. The only fight is against the boss at the end. It just seems very odd and out of place. That said, it is quite the gorgeous stage.. but still. Anyway, we learn that the Slayer is indeed the old Doomguy from the original Doom and Doom II. My guess is Doom 64 also ties in where he chose to stay in Hell at the end. Doing so drove him to at least partial insanity and severe PTSD like what is seen in that garbage Doom comic. He was somehow found and brought to the Sentinels where he started like talking like a mad man about demons, killing, big guts, and ripping and tearing. The priests sent him to the arena to fight (I like to assume that was Quake 3). He was eventually given the opportunity to train as a Sentinel himself after showing immense courage, hatred, and prowess when fighting off a demon invasion. Tying the games together is kind of cute.. but a little contrived and convoluted. Anyway, Deag Grav sends the Gladiator at us.. ..not all that big of a deal. I guess he's supposed to stagger when you hit him in the first phase, but that happened a total of one time for me. Second phase was more of a chore than it should have been. I was trying to look out for the green eyes like I was told in the noob tip, but it rarely happened. That caught me way off guard. I don't know if maybe I was sticking too close or what.. but it felt like the same range I was at when he had the shield. The jump rope segments were just embarrassing on my end, and I didn't really try to hit him afterward when he lunges until the end. It was just a bad fight for me all around. I did go back in with only the infinite lives cheat two more times and did much better. It was all off camera, though. So.. my lives won't match up in the next part.