Christmas Eve Service (Back up) - Willow Glen UMC (Dec 24 2022)
Welcome to our Christmas Eve Service You can also join us via Zoom: https://tinyurl.com/2p8vspku To give an offering: Text the amount you would like to give to 408-478-9671. You can give your offering by text, online, app, or by mailing a check to the church. Find out more giving info & options here: http://wgumc.org/give Subscribe to this channel to be notified when new videos are available. Services will continue to be live-streamed each week at 10:00am. Rev. Jay Parr, Senior Pastor Pastor Susan Smith, Children & Family Ministries, Willow Glen UMC Technical Team: Laurie Lindsey, Bob Hunt, Tom Mounts, Anthony Stone, Jeff Chamberlain, Alex Eng, Tom Grubb Copyright info: OneLicense Streaming Authorized; Annual License: A-720970 CCLI Music License w Streaming: 2690194