Debating (Southport) Jehovah's Witnesses 3,176: Their 1975 and 1925 false prophecies
In another video (listed below), which is numbered 897 you can hear six British Jehovah’s Witness elders tell me on the telephone that Queen Elizabeth rules the United Kingdom (she was alive at the time) by the authority of Satan the devil. here: • Debating several British Jehovah's Wi... You can also write a letter to any member of the Royal Family c/o Buckingham Palace, London SW1A 1AA. Telephone (UK) 020 7930 4832. Or else telephone the Royal Information Office (UK) 072 0168 7705. Remember to record your telephone calls and ask them why King Charles' government has given charity status to an American corporation which demonises the office of the British Crown and specifically the King's own late mother. On another video where I speak to two Jehovah's Witnesses outside Charles Cross Police Station here: • Debating (Plymouth) Jehovah's Witness... My being moved on from outside Charles Cross Police Station in about 2018 here: • Plymouth Jehovah's Witness Carts 133:... This video is amazing, the Jehovah's Witnesses call the Police on me and in 53 seconds a Police Car arrives (it was parked just around the corner) here: • Plymouth Jehovah's Witness Carts 184:... Here is a 5 minute conversation which I had with Prince Charles’ press secretary in 2022 just weeks before his Mother’s death, and Charles’ then being elevated to the Monarchy: • Talking to Prince Charles' Press Secr...