유네스코 세계유산 "백제역사유적지구" 한류의 원조를 만나다! 광고영상

유네스코 세계유산 "백제역사유적지구" 한류의 원조를 만나다! 광고영상

백제역사유적지구 부여군(4곳), 공주시(2고), 익산시(2곳) 총 8곳 유네스코 #세계유산 #백제역사유적지구 소개 홍보동영상(CF) 동영상(광고cf) 길이 - 40초 The original Hallyu, Baekje! Time travel to #BAEKJE UNESCO World Heritage, Baekje Historic Areas in the Republic of Korea Time travel to Baekje, an ancient kingdom of 1500 years ago Time memorized as world heritage beyond East Asia Trip to history connecting the past and the present See you in the Baekje Historic Areas! [Baekje Historic Areas in the Republic of Korea] Gongsanseong Fortress, Gongju, Royal Tombs in Songsan-ri, Gongju, Naseong City Wall, Buyeo, Royal Tombs in Neungsan-ri, Buyeo Jeongnimsa Temple Site, Buyeo, Mireuksa Temple Site, Iksan Archaeological Site in Gwanbuk-ri and Busosanseong Fortress, Buyeo Archaeological Site in Wanggung-ri, Iksan 世界遺産, 百済の時間以上! 世界遺産百済の歴史遺跡地区 世界の人々の文化遺産 世界遗产, 百济时空旅行! 百济历史区! Promotional Video 30 seconds - Baekje World Heritage Center Production by : CMG MEDIA / (주)CMG미디어