02 December 2023 - Croydon SDA Church Live Worship | Prayer and Praise Day

02 December 2023 - Croydon SDA Church Live Worship | Prayer and Praise Day

Welcome to our Sabbath Live Worship Experience. Join us for our interactive Sabbath School (Bible discussion) from 10am followed by our worship service at 11:30am. You can be part of our Bible discussions by sending us your questions and comments via the YouTube live chat! This is a live service, streamed from Croydon Seventh-day Adventist Church, London, United Kingdom. We stream live every Sabbath (Saturday) from 10:00am (GMT). SABBATH SCHOOL Sabbath School Quarter 4, 2023 Theme: God's Mission, My Mission Bible Study Topic: Mission to the Powerful If you’ll like to learn more about this topic, get further details here: https://ssnet.org/lessons/23d/less09.... WORSHIP SERVICE Sermon Series: Find Your Song Presented by: Elder Pete Pryce and Pastor Jesse Samuel Spoken Word: Mary’s Song Made a decision to give your life to Jesus? Get in touch so that we can guide you toward the next steps in your walk with Christ: https://www.croydonadventist.org/next... DONATE TO OUR ONLINE MINISTRY https://www.croydonadventist.org/give/ CONNECT WITH US: Website: https://www.croydonadventist.org/ Bible Study: https://www.croydonadventist.org/bibl... Donate: https://www.croydonadventist.org/give/ TikTok:   / croydonsda   Instagram:   / croydonsda   Facebook:   / croydonsdachurch   Twitter:   / croydonsda