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스티븐 호킹은 소행성 충돌이 가장 큰 위협이라 말했습니다 실제로 소행성 충돌을 대비하여 NASA에서 오늘(24일) 우주선 DART를 발사하였습니다 다트 우주선은 태양 전지판을 펼치고 10개월 동안 디디모스와 디모르포스 소행성을 향해 날아가 소행성의 궤도를 바꾸는 것이 목표입니다 과연 이게 가능할까요? 소행성 충돌은 정말 일어날 수 있을까요? 소행성이 충돌한다면 어떻게 될까요? 이와 관련된 영상 함께 보시죠 4k 영상을 지원합니다 #마낭경 #지름1키로운석은 #얼마일까 1:28 - 소행성 탐사를X 소행성 탐지를O 3:13 - rublle pilesX rubble pilesO * * * Special thanks to: Prof Dave Jewitt from UCLA Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences Prof Mark Boslough from Sandia National Labs Scott Manley: Ryan Wyatt at Morrison Planetarium Prof Amy Mainzer Alexandr Ivanov for the opening shot of Chelyabinsk Meteor 운석 충돌지역 분포 - 우주 애니메이션 - Near-Earth Object - 참고 논문 - Belskaya, I N , & Shevchenko, V G (2000) Opposition effect of asteroids Icarus, 147(1), 94-105 - Perna, D , Barucci, M A , & Fulchignoni, M (2013) The near-Earth objects and their potential threat to our planet The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, 21(1), 65 - Rumpf, C M , Lewis, H G , & Atkinson, P M (2017) Population vulnerability models for asteroid impact risk assessment Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 52(6), 1082-1102 - Trilling, D E , Valdes, F , Allen, L , James, D , Fuentes, C , Herrera, D , & Rajagopal, J (2017) The size distribution of near-earth objects larger than 10 m The Astronomical Journal, 154(4), 170 - Schweickart, R L , Lu, E T , Hut, P , & Chapman, C R (2003) The asteroid tugboat Scientific American, 289(5), 54-61 - Lu, E T , & Love, S G (2005) Gravitational tractor for towing asteroids Nature, 438(7065), 177-178 - Thiry, N , & Vasile, M (2014) Recent advances in laser ablation modelling for asteroid deflection methods SPIE Optical Engineering+ Applications, 922608-922608 - Ahrens, T J , & Harris, A W (1992) Deflection and fragmentation of near-Earth asteroids Nature, 360(6403), 429-433 - Bradley, P A , Plesko, C S , Clement, R R , Conlon, L M , Weaver, R P , Guzik, J A , & Huebner, W F (2010, January) Challenges of deflecting an asteroid or comet nucleus with a nuclear burst In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol 1208, No 1, pp 430-437) American Institute of Physics 음악 "Stellar Dance" "Orbit" "That Notebook" "What We Discovered" "Out of Poppies" "Handwriting" Getty Images 에서 이미지와 비디오를 사용했습니다 Special thanks to: Prof Dave Jewitt from UCLA Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences Prof Mark Boslough from Sandia National Labs Scott Manley: Ryan Wyatt at Morrison Planetarium Prof Amy Mainzer Alexandr Ivanov for the opening shot of Chelyabinsk Meteor 원본영상은 Veritasium 채널에서 감상하실수 있습니다 Veritasium - Asteroids -