"The Brotherhood!" - Saints Row 2 - Gameplay Walkthrough (Part 11)

"The Brotherhood!" - Saints Row 2 - Gameplay Walkthrough (Part 11)

Hey Everyone, welcome to my channel! In this video, we are continuing our gameplay walkthrough on Saints Row 2! This game follows the events from Saints Row 1. We are starting the Brotherhood story! First I want to say, sorry for no game sound. I didn't realize until I was editing the video. I could hear the game through my headphones and I thought it was recording when I was recording. Apparently it wasn't but I have figured out the issue and fixed it. Once again, I'm sorry for that! But in this video, we meet Maero, the leader of the Brotherhood. He wants to have a meeting with us. Apparently, he wants to do business with us and the Saints. Before we talk business, we need to escape and get away from the cops. The plan is to go back to the Brotherhood's hideout and talk there. Once we get there, Maero starts to talk to us about the Brotherhood and the Saints going into business together and running the town of Stilwater. His offer to us is a 80/20 split. Of course we don't agree with that because we use to run Stilwater before we were in a coma for the last two years or so. After we disagree, now we are at war with the Brotherhood. Next, we meet up with a familiar face from Saints Row 1 and someone who use to be with the Westside Rollerz, Donnie. He is now a mechanic for the Brotherhood. If you remember from Saints Row 1, Donnie was with Lin who was with the Saints. But unfortunately, Donnie and a few other members of the Westside Rollerz, killed her. When we meet up with Donnie, we meet him at the place Lin was killed. We force Donnie to get in the car. We are forcing Donnie to rig and blow up a few of the Brotherhood's trucks. After we have Donnie do that, we drop him off at the Brotherhood hideout. He is scared to tell Maero what happened but he does. Maero almost kills Donnie but he doesn't and he storms off. Next, we are with Carlos on a train. Trying to talk to him about any information he has gathered about the Brotherhood. As you guys know, we put Carlos in charge of the Brotherhood after we recruited him into the Saints. He has nothing for us right now. We tell him that he has a lot to learn about being a lieutenant. But, we decide to come up with a plan ourselves. The plan is to go to the power plant island and get some toxic waste for Maero since he said that he has a lot of canvas left as far as getting more tattoos. So after we get the toxic waste, we take it back to the tattoo parlor and put it in the tattoo ink that Maero's tattoo artist uses. After the tattoo is over, we see half of Maero's face start to melt off! Last but not least, we have our first Brotherhood stronghold! This stronghold ties into the Sons of Samedi a little bit. The reason for that is because we are dealing with the apartments near the university that the Sons of Samedi ran before but the Brotherhood run it a bit as well. So for us to fully run the university, we have to get rid of the Brotherhood at the university. Saints Row 2 is a action-adventure game and the sequel to Saints Row 1. Developed by Volition and published by THQ in 2008! Was released in October 2008 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Later released on Microsoft Windows in January 2009 and for Linux in April 2016! If you are enjoying the video, make sure you Like, Comment, Share. Subscribe to the Channel for more content! Check the playlist for the whole Walkthrough! Time Stamps: 0:00 Intro 6:39 Brotherhood Mission: First Impressions 14:12 Brotherhood Mission: Reunion Tour 24:33 Brotherhood Mission: Waste Not Want Not 34:33 Brotherhood Mission: Waste Not Want Not Attempt #2 38:29 Brotherhood Stronghold: Sommerset Apartments 43:05 Outro Character Creation Video:    • Saints Row 2 - Beautiful Female Chara...   Saints Row 2 Gameplay Walkthrough Playlist:    • Saints Row 2 Gameplay Walkthrough   Social Media: Twitter:   / im_davontae   Instagram:   / im_davontae   Intro & Outro Music:    • ROY KNOX - Blue Eyed Demon | NCS - Co...   #saintsrow2 #saintsrow #sr2 #letsplay #gaming #gamingvideos #videogames #walkthrough #walkthroughgameplay #gameplaywalkthrough #gameplay #games #xbox #xbox360 #xbox360games #playstation3 #storymode #storymodegameplay #stilwater #gamingchannel #throwbackgames #throwbackgaming #nostalgia #like #comment #subscribe #oldschoolgaming #johnnygat #saintsrowwalkthrough #shaundi #pierce #carlos #sonsofsamedi #ronin #brotherhood #aisha #akuji #sword #swordfighting #swordfights #donnie #lin