LEGO The Incredibles - Urbem Heights Crime Wave  - Stratogale & Nomanisan Island Goon (Grey) Unlock

LEGO The Incredibles - Urbem Heights Crime Wave - Stratogale & Nomanisan Island Goon (Grey) Unlock

LEGO The Incredibles - Urbem Heights Crime Wave - Stratogale & Nomanisan Island Goon (Grey) Unlock. Complete Crime Waves across Municiberg and collect Incredibricks to unlock new characters! There are 13 characters from various Pixar movies, including Spot from The Good Dinosaur! LEGO The Incredibles is available now on Xbox One, Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC. Thank you to Warner Brothers for providing me with a review copy of LEGO The Incredibles! ******Social Media Contacts**** Follow me on Twitter!   / jayshockblast   Follow me on Twitch!   / jayshockblast   Follow me on Instagram!   / jayshockblast   Sponsor! Check out my Amazon Influencer List! I use all these products or these are some of my favorite stories. I profit from your enjoyment! Sponsor! - Enter jayshockblast at checkout for 10% off! Amazing daily tshirts!