Hypernatremia vs Hyponatremia Fluid & Electrolytes Nursing Students NCLEX Review with Nurse Cheung

Hypernatremia vs Hyponatremia Fluid & Electrolytes Nursing Students NCLEX Review with Nurse Cheung

Ever find yourself second-guessing whether your patient’s sodium level is partying too high or dipping too low? Let’s clear up the confusion in this showdown between Hypernatremia and Hyponatremia! By mastering the differences, you’ll rock your NCLEX and deliver top-notch patient care. Stay confident, stay salty (or not), and let’s rock the nursing world together! 00:00 Introduction 00:15 Hypernatremia overview 01:53 Hypernatremia Causes 06:08 Hypernatremia Signs and Symptoms 12:05 Hypernatremia Diagnostic Testing 14:43 Hypernatremia Radiologic Testing 15:11 Hypernatremia Nursing Interventions 19:58 Hyponatremia overview 20:55 Hyponatremia Causes 30:31 Hyponatremia Signs and Symptoms 32:12 Hyponatremia Diagnostic Testing 34:15 Hyponatremia Radiologic Testing 34:40 Hyponatremia Nursing Interventions 🔗 Helpful Links Watch More Fluid and Electrolyte Videos Videos: 🔗 Connect with Nurse Cheung Website: nursecheung.com Shop Nursing Gear: nursecheungstore.com Follow on Instagram: instagram.com/nursecheung Join us on Facebook: facebook.com/groups/nursecheung Join Nurse Cheung on YouTube for Exclusive Member Perks! Disclaimer: Opinions, discussions, and topics expressed on my channel and/or videos with my likeness on other channels are not necessarily those related to my employer, nursing college, or institution. The views expressed on this channel by either video or discussions do not represent medical advice. If you have concerns regarding a medical condition, please contact your physician. Patient identifiers have been removed and/or deleted to protect patient rights and privacy. I do not claim to be an expert on any medical topic, nor do I provide medical advice or procedure specifications. Always refer back to your institution's Policies and Procedures. The information represented on this channel is for general knowledge purposes only. It is your responsibility to understand and acknowledge patient advocacy, education, and critical thinking based on your jurisdiction. #Hypernatremia #Hyponatremia #FluidAndElectrolytes #NursingStudents #NCLEXReview #NurseCheung #NursingSchool #NurseLife #MedicalEducation #TestPrep