Don't Use Jio Airfiber - Why Wireless Internet is BAD !
Do not use Jio Airfiber or any other air fiber if your area has jio optics fiber cable or any other service provider like bsnl that provides fiber optics connection because fiber optics is always better than any wireless or point to point internet connection. Airfiber is not unlimited and speed fluctuates a lot. __________________________________________________________________________ You Can Check My Ethical Hacking Courses 1. Hackstars:- https://cosmofeed.com/vp/65644726f3bf... 2. Tech Masters Ethical Hacking Course:- https://cosmofeed.com/vp/656445e5feb0... 3. Quick Hack - Beginners Ethical Hacking Course- https://cosmofeed.com/vp/65644476feb0... _____________________________________________________________________ Follow Me ON Social Media Social Media Links: 👍 Facebook: / technicalsagaryoutube 🐦Twitter: / iamasagar 🎦 Vlog Channel: / sagarkivani 📸 Instagram: / theabhisheksagar