Top 5 Best Mounts in Final Fantasy 14 FFXIV and How To Get Them
Mounts. They’re big, they’re fast, everyone loves them, and boy has Final Fantasy 14 got you covered if you’re craving a good mount. FF14 actually has over two hundred individual mounts, that’s A LOT to pick and choose from. So for this video, I want to briefly go over 5 of my favorite mounts in final fantasy 14, why I think they’re awesome, and how you can acquire each one for yourself. If you’ve ever played an MMO before, you’re probably aware of what a mount is. Mounts are the MMO equivalent to something like a really nice car in the real world. They both get you from point A to B, there are a million different kinds to choose from, and they both give people some really fun ways to express themselves, and to show off their accomplishments. FF14 has a plethora of amazing mounts to pick and choose from, so it might seem overwhelming if you’ve just gotten started with this game. Even the most hard-core of completionists will have trouble earning every single one. It can be a fun challenge if you’re up for it, but with some mounts taking an ENORMOUS amount of time to unlock (looking at you, Pteranodon), it isn’t a realistic thing for most people to achieve. One thing I would like to mention really quickly is that FF14 has a select number of mog-shop only mounts, which means that unless you are willing to spend some extra money on the game in addition to the monthly subscription fee, you will not be able to earn some mounts through in-game only means. Thankfully, the vast majority of FF14’s mounts are not mog-shop only, meaning most mount content in this game can be achieved by you if you’re willing to put in some time for it. For this list, I want to focus on mounts that are free to earn, so no mog-shop purchase required. So that sadly means there will be no Cruise Chaser or Lunar Whale on this list, but honestly, there are so many amazing free mounts in this game that it was hard for me to just narrow the list down to 5. So in no particular order, here’s my list of the top 5 best mounts, in my own personal opinion, in Final Fantasy 14! #ffxiv #mmorpg #finalfantasyxiv