I Found an Alien in My Pond!
In today’s video, I explore my mystery pond that is FILLED with alien fish! For the past few months I have been putting the craziest and weirdest fish in this pond, and its time to catch them out! But first I needed to remove the deadly freshwater stingrays that I also put in the pond! I got in and started netting around and I was able to catch one of the stingrays, but the second one was harder to find! I kept going and I caught TONS of aquarium fish including piranhas, koi, cichlids, catfish, eels, and more! Then I came across some of the alien fish which was a RARE amphiuma, a siren, freshwater pufferfish, and a few others… But there was still a stingray in the pond, so we kept netting and I caught it out! We then decided to drain some of the water out to make it a litter easier. Once we got back in we started catching turtles, aquatic lizards, and a bunch of monster fish! But after hours there was still an alien fish in the pond, and I couldn’t find it! So, I drained the pond all the way and kept searching… After catching more fish including a giant albino pleco, oscars, knife fish, bichirs, and a bunch of other fish, I finally found the alien fish! It was an extremely rare freshwater frogfish… This was by far the creepiest looking fish I have ever seen, so we set up an aquarium for him and put him in his new home along with all the other alien fish! After we put all the fish back in the mystery pond, we came back a few days later to try and feed the anglerfish! We dropped in some guppies and immediately he went after them and ate them! Do you think we should do more mystery pond videos? — MERCH NOW AVAILABLE: https://bassfishingproductions.shop — ⏹Instagram: / bassfishingproductions ⏹TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bassfishingpr... ⏹ Promotion inquiries: [email protected] ⏹Business email: [email protected]