Boiling Springs 8-11-24 Service: Missing the Boat

Boiling Springs 8-11-24 Service: Missing the Boat

In this week's service, we were honored to welcome back the Rev. Jimmy McGlamery as he brought our message this week. This week's main scripture comes from Genesis 6:1-13. Rev. McGlamery warned us that many today are at risk of "missing the boat" if they do not change their ways and come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We are getting closer each day to the end times and the only escape from destruction is Jesus Christ. We hope you will join us this Sunday August 18, 2024, at 11:00 AM as we will be welcoming the Rev. Vernon Eller who will be preaching during our Service, so please join us if you are able (or watch it here on YouTube if you cannot join us in person). If you wish to find out who will be our next speaker please check out our website or follow us on Facebook. We would love for you to join us on Saturday August 24, 2024 from 4:00-6:00 PM for our community outreach event. We will have a free hamburger and hotdog supper, games and an inflatable for the kids, and bookbags for the kids present. We also are excited to announce that Bro. Lance Wilson will be bring a special message during the event and his daughter Maddy will be singing at well. Invite your friends and family to join us for this special event. If you are not a member or regular at Boiling Springs and need to speak with someone from the church about anything the following links will give you the contact information needed to get in touch with someone. They are available if you need them at any time: Contact information for our Deacons: Check out our Website at: Find us on Facebook at:   / boilingspringsbaptistwilkes